Western Massachusetts

In 2022, there were an estimated 36,589 veterans living in Western Mass, including 3,257 women. This page includes local events and directories of veterans’ services; veteran outreach centers; VA healthcare facilitiesVA-accredited representatives, agents, and attorneys; elder services; community resourcesposts & auxiliaries; and veteran owned businesses, as well as censusveteran homelessness, and public health data for the Western Region.

Tag any events you submit with #western-mass so they show up here. Some cities and towns are also in the #berkshires and #pioneer-valley. Use the listing below to search for events by city or town. As long as you include the name of the city or town in an event, it will show up in the relevant local event listings below.

Pages for Franklin, Hampshire, and Hampden Counties are in progress.

Executive Office of Veterans’ Services

The mission of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Veterans’ Services (EOVS) is to act as the primary advocate on behalf of all the Commonwealth’s veterans. The Office provides outreach and support through various programs. EOVS offers assistance to eligible veterans and their surviving spouses through the MassVets Financial Benefits Program.

Veterans may use the Mass Vet Benefit Calculator to see what they may qualify for and contact their local veterans’ services office below to apply.

  • MGL Chapter 115 requires each town/city have a veterans’ agent to administer these benefits, but two or more contiguous towns can also appoint someone to serve as veterans’ agent and form Veterans’ Services Districts. Most cities and towns in Western Mass share a veterans’ agent or are served by a Veterans’ Services District listed below.

Veteran Outreach Centers in Western Mass

The Berkshire Veterans Outreach Center in Pittsfield is committed to helping veterans and their families in the Berkshires any way they can. They know the challenges that can come with paperwork and red tape and will help with anything from VA disability and pension claims to VA healthcare applications and Veteran ID cards. Call (413) 448-6052 or email the BVOC directly.

The Bilingual Veterans Outreach Center of Massachusetts is located in Springfield and is open to all veterans. For more information or assistance, call (413) 731-0194.

VA Healthcare in Western Mass

Western Region veterans are served by the VA Central Western Massachusetts Healthcare System with a hospital, three clinics, and the Springfield Vet Center in Western Mass. Anyone who has served in the military is encouraged to apply to determine their eligibility and Priority Group. Some veterans are exempt from co-pays due to their VA rating, income, or special eligibility factors.

The VA’s Access to Care website includes a directory of primary licensed independent practice providers who may be lead, ongoing members of the healthcare system’s treatment teams (physicians, PAs, NPs, psychologists, dentists, nurse specialists, RN anesthetists, chiropractors, optometrists, and podiatrists) at VA Central Western Mass. It also includes wait times for new patients.

  • Councils on Aging (COAs) are municipal agencies that provide local outreach, social and health services, advocacy, information and referral for older adults, their families, and caregivers. COAs and Senior Centers serve as advocates and links to support services for elders, families, and caregivers. They offer outreach, transportation, meals, health screenings, health insurance counseling, and life-long learning, social, fitness, wellness, and recreation activities.

MassOptions is a service of the Executive Office of Health & Human Services (EOHHS) that can also help older adults, people with disabilities, and family members or caregivers identify aging and disability services and connect to those that can meet their needs. Call 800-243-4636 or click here to complete a referral.

Western Mass Community Resource Network

  • The Veterans Posts and Auxiliaries directory includes information about the VFW and American Legion Posts, Marine Corps League Detachments, and DAV Chapters based in cities and towns in Western Massachusetts.

  • This Veteran Owned Businesses directory is based on publicly available information and listings of veteran owned businesses in Western Mass. Click here to submit a business or update information.

Veterans in Western Mass

Census Reporter – 2022 American Community Survey

Based on 2022 ACS 5-year estimates, there are around 36,589 veterans living in Western Mass, including 3,257 women veterans. If you serve veterans and are trying to learn more about their demographics, explore the most recent estimates Census Reporter for cities and towns in Western Mass linked below.

Veteran Homelessness in Western Mass

HUD’s Continuum of Care (CoC) Program is designed to promote community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness. The Massachusetts CoC includes 12 regional CoCs, including the Three County CoC (covering Berkshire, Franklin, and Hampshire Counties) and the Springfield-Hampden County CoC covering Western Mass.

During the last week of January, CoC’s count all of the homeless people reported by service providers and counted by local police and volunteer groups on the streets. In 2023, veterans made up around 3.4 percent of the homeless population in Massachusetts, up from 2.2 percent in 2022.

From 2022 to 2023, the number of homeless veterans increased from 534 to 545, including 70 women, who made up 12.8 percent of homeless veterans counted. The number of homeless veterans increased by less than 3 percent overall, with a 23 percent increase for women veterans.

The CoCs in Western Massachusetts account for around 23 percent of homeless veterans and 11.4 percent of homeless women veterans in Massachusetts. From 2022 to 2023:

  • The number of homeless veterans counted increased more than 40 percent from 104 to 127 veterans, including 7 unsheltered, 40 in emergency shelter, and 80 in transitional housing.

  • The number of homeless women veterans counted decreased over 27 percent from 11 to 8 veterans, including 6 in transitional housing and 2 in emergency shelter.

Western Mass Public Health Data

The U.S. Center for Disease Control’s Suicide Prevention Strategies for Communities support the implementation of a public health approach that uses data to drive decision-making. Massachusetts does not publish comprehensive data surrounding the deaths of service members and veterans. The chart below includes data for deaths in Hampden, Berkshire, Hampshire, and Franklin County.